Monday, April 30, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

Everyone has a comfort food- something they crave when they have a bad day or are under the weather. "Guilty pleasure" foods are entirely different; guilty pleasures are foods you love, but may not readily admit to. Chefs often consider their childhood favorites as such. They secretly love things foods like Marshmallow fluff, Wonder bread and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Prompted by the recent question about comfort food, I asked our staff about the foods they eat behind closed doors. Reluctant to share at first, it took a bit of persistence to finally get them to confess. I have to admit that as much as I love innovative culinary creations and interesting condiments, there's nothing like ketchup. French fries aren't complete without ketchup, and I can't do without it for my scrambled eggs. But don't tell.

Ryan- "Spam. In a Fritatta, with melted cheddar cheese."
Rachel-"Biscuits with lots of honey.
Sue- "Chocolate chip cookie dough."
Pam-" Crunchy peanut butter."
Barbara-" Cream scones with jam."
Rodrigo- "Hostess cupcakes."

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