Thursday, July 31, 2008

A month of treats

July is National Ice Cream month- and National Blueberry month. Those are two of my favorite foods, so I’ll take any excuse to indulge. (Especially if I can indulge in them together). There’s nothing like fresh berry ice cream, or ice cream topped with berries as a quick dessert on a hot day. Ice cream is super easy to make, especially because the ice cream machines do all the work. Essentially, you just have to stir the ingredients together, pour into the ice cream machine, and press “go”. The 1.5 quart Ice Cream Maker by Cuisinart is the best kitchen accessory for summer (but of course you can use it year round). It even comes with an extra freezer bowl, so you can make more than one flavor at a time. The blueberry compote is equally easy to make, and very versatile. Use it on pound cake, or layer it with greek yogurt and toasted almonds as a quick treat.


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