Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kitchen Days in the Mediterranean

Sundays are my kitchen day. Weekdays are usually too busy to spend any significant time recipe testing or perusing cookbooks. Trips to the Farmer’s Market (happily) take up most Saturdays, and lately, my Saturday afternoons are full of berry hunting. But Sundays…. I love nothing more than reading cookbooks, nibbling on the previous day’s purchases and deciding what to cook for dinner.
Last Sunday, I picked up “Mediterranean Fresh: A Compendium of One-Plate Salad Meals and Mix-and-Match Dressings “, a new book by Joyce Goldstein. I was instantly transported to the Mediterranean by the delicious sounding recipes, vivid photos, and approachable style. Even better, ideas for dinner started popping into my head. Ideas like Tuna Nicoise Salad with Anchovy Garlic Vinaigrette, or Couscous Salad with Preserved Lemon, or Turkish Chicken Salad with Creamy Tahini-Walnut Dressing or Tarragon Cream dressing… all flavorful, interesting dishes that wouldn’t require me to spend the remainder of the day by the stove (which meant more time reading and exploring the Mediterranean from the patio).
Luckily, Joyce is coming to In Good Taste to teach two classes. On August 5th at 6:30 PM and August 6th at 6:30 PM, she will be sharing secrets and recipes from her book and preparing two different, but equally delightful, menus. If reading the above hasn’t made your mouth water, imagine Roasted Eggplant Salad with Charmoula Dressing, or Paella Salad with Shrimp. Spend the evening in the Mediterranean, and enjoy a meal with Joyce Goldstein. It’s the perfect summer escape.

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