Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Big Vegan by Robin Asbell

Hi Good Thymes readers! This is Jessica, In Good Taste’s Customer Service Manager. I’m taking over the blog this week to promote an author that I think is truly fabulous! If you’ve ever been to our Pearl District cooking school, you know that we have a wonderful collection of cookbooks. I admit, some afternoons when I’m between customers and phone calls, I’ll sneak over to the book cases and pick out a random title to browse. Sometimes I pick something that I know absolutely NOTHING about. Sometimes I pick a book simply because of the photo on the cover, though conventional wisdom frowns at judging a book this way. And yes, this IS how I choose my wines too but I digress…

When I was new to In Good Taste a customer came into the store looking for a healthy cookbook. I lead them to the appropriate section and noticed several copies of The New Whole Grains Cookbook by Robin Asbell. Previously, this had not caught my eye but I flipped through and noticed wonderful photographs of delicious-looking food, and tempting recipe titles accompanied by easy instructions. My stomach growls now just thinking about it!

As I started showing the customer the book, I found myself wanting it. Next thing I knew, I was making batches of Caramel Walnut Chocolate Chunk Granola and Maple-Cinnamon Granola Bars for hiking trips with friends. A roommate said she had some extra Italian Sausage and didn’t know what to do with it. I said, "Oh, I know…Please make this!!!" while pointing wildly at the photograph of Filet Mignon and Barley "Stew" with Spinach. "Just substitute the sausage for the filet mignon" I explained. It was DELICIOUS!! That was when I knew I was a Robin Asbell fan.

As a fan, I am really excited to announce that Chef, author, and public speaker Robin Asbell will be visiting In Good Taste on December 1, 2011 at 6pm. She will be teaching a hands-on class featuring recipes from The New Whole Grains Cookbook, which is still one of the best-selling books at In Good Taste.

In this 3-hour hands on cooking class you’ll be making Mushroom Dusted Chicken and Rice Timbales with Pinot Sauce, Peruvian Quinoa Crusted Shrimp Chicharrones with Aji Sauce, Thai Coconut Fried Black Rice with Basil and Tofu, Pizzocheri Italian Buckwheat Noodle and Cabbage Casserole, and Whole Grain Wraps with Mexican Pepita-Cilantro Quinoa, Beans and Roasted Vegetables. Robin will also demonstrate French Lamb and Rye Berry Braise for students to enjoy!

Robin’s newest book, Big Vegan contains recipes, "for food that nourishes you and respects the planet, all with tons of flavor, texture, color and aroma. Even if you love meat, you will find recipes here that will satisfy you and make you feel great."

Copies of both books will be available for purchase and be sure to get your book signed too – I know I will!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a little confusing. I see the cookbook "The Big Vegan" and then check the class Robin will be teaching December 1st and there is so much meat and more I don't understand why the book is listed in the same sentence as "vegan." Is there to be a vegan cooking class?