Friday, November 7, 2008

Thanksgiving 301:Dessert

There are some “givens” at Thanksgiving. For example, the turkey and gravy, while variable in flavor, are pretty much guaranteed (provided you and your guests eat turkey). Pumpkin pie seems to be the ubiquitous and de rigeur dessert. But if you’re tired of plain old pumpkin pie, or would like to please the guests that never liked it to begin with, widen your dessert repertoire with a few new flavors. Tim Healea, the owner of little t American bakery and former baker at the Pearl Bakery, offers his suggestions and recipes for decadent desserts. On Wednesday, November 12, Tim will be teaching a class on Thanksgiving Desserts- beyond basic pumpkin pie. He’ll give you tips and tricks, share his expertise and his tried and true favorite recipes. The class will include a light supper before the real baking begins. Tim will make Bittersweet Chocolate Tart with Crème Chantilly, a Brioche Apple Charlotte, and a creamy Cheesecake with Poached Pears. Like my friend Alice always says; “They come for dinner, but they stay for dessert.”
Happy eating!

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