Thursday, May 10, 2007

Reader Recipe Request- First Edition

The first edition of our reader recipe requests! I'm very excited to share with you a recipe that I truly adore- Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Pecans, from the lovely Pearl Bakery. I have always loved the Pearl Bakery, and used to go there every Sunday. (Admittedly, I went there more than just Sundays.....) I would always treat myself to something decadent- a crunchy panini with fresh mozzarella, or a delicate croissant, or a dense slice of cornmeal pound cake. But my favorite treat was always the luscious chocolate chunk cookie; the high ratio of chocolate to cookie, the dark, rather than sweet chunks, and the crispy pecans made them irresistible. Lucky for me, they are right down the street... (or maybe unlucky?) Thanks to the wonderful people at the Pearl, you can make these delicacies at home. Now if only I had a glass of cold milk......

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